A Foundation for Giving
Our Mission
The mission of the CDPHP® Foundation is to support and promote health, wellness, and education in our community through philanthropy and service.
Giving Is Our Tradition
CDPHP has established deep roots in the communities we serve, cultivating close ties and supporting the mission of countless civic, cultural, and charitable organizations. Since the founding of CDPHP in 1984, our corporate giving program has donated millions of dollars and contributed thousands of volunteer hours to extend the reach and impact of numerous charities, improving the lives of residents in our service area.
Help Us Make A Difference
If you’d like to join us in making a difference, please consider making a donation. Your contribution will go directly toward funding a program or project that enhances the quality of life in the communities we serve.
Please contact Kate Townsend at Foundation@cdphp.com ✉ for additional information or to receive a copy of The Foundation's annual report. We look forward to working with you!
Who and How the Foundation Helps
As our philanthropy has grown over the years, so too have the requests for financial support. While CDPHP still considers all funding inquiries, the growing needs of the community and the volume of requests have prompted us to align our giving with our organization’s mission and goals. Accordingly, The Foundation targets programs and initiatives that impact the following areas:
- Community health and wellness
- Social services
- Education
- Cultural arts
Key Requirements
The following requirements must be met to qualify for funding from the CDPHP Foundation:
- The proposed program or project must benefit communities in our service area.
- Applicants must be registered as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization as defined under IRS guidelines.
- Organizations must provide evidence of sound fiscal and administrative management.
- Organizations must demonstrate financial need related to the proposed project or program.
- Organizations must comply with all requests for reports related to use of funds and the efficacy and impact of the funded program or initiative.
CDPHP Foundation does not fund the following:
- General operating or administrative costs, fundraising, or advertising
- Partisan, political, or exclusively denominational programs or initiatives
- Intermediary funding agencies
Extending Our Reach to Those in Need
In addition to supporting the CDPHP Foundation, employees raise funds and tackle hands-on projects for a number of local charitable organizations, including those dedicated to preventing and treating disease, addressing food insecurity, and assisting families and individuals living in poverty or facing health crises.
Among the charitable activities we sponsor are:
Quarterly blood drives at CDPHP
Monthly meal preparation for families staying at the Ronald McDonald House
Holiday gift program for needy families
Community service projects, such as our annual back-to-school drive
Help Us Strengthen Our Community
The work of the CDPHP Foundation is made possible through the generosity of our employees, members, friends, business partners, and the community at large. We invite you to make a donation so together we can continue to advance programs and projects that change lives and our community for the better.
Your contribution will directly fund worthy causes throughout the year and may be tax deductible (consult your tax advisor).
Act Now to Make a Positive Difference
Simply follow the directions on the right to make a contribution. We’ll take it from there to ensure your donation has a positive impact on the community!
Please contact Kate Townsend at Kate.Townsend@cdphp.com ✉ for additional information. We look forward to working with you!