Select the administrator that’s right for you
At CDPHP, we realize the value of providing choice and innovation within our Health Funding Account portfolio. CDPHP makes it easy with funding account options, flexibility, and choice of administrator. You can choose from two trusted third-party administrators (TPAs) for HRA/FSA plan administration: CDPHP or HealthEquity.
Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRAs)


General Purpose HRA


Post Deductible HRA


Limited Purpose HRA


Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)


General Purpose Health FSA


Limited Purpose Health FSA


Post Deductible Health FSA

Dependent Care FSA


Health Savings Account (HSA)


If selecting Integrated HRA and FSA, both plans need to be through the same administrator.
If selecting Integrated HSA through HealthEquity, you have the option to choose HRA/FSA administrator.
Integrated Healthy Direction HRA is offered through HealthEquity only.
Check out our Funding Accounts Employer Guide to learn more about funding account administration from CDPHP and HealthEquity as you decide what’s right for your business and your employees.
Please contact your CDPHP representative, HealthEquity, or your broker if you have questions.
Start or Renew Your Health Funding Account or Service
Start or Renew FSA/HRA with CDPHP Start or Renew FSA/HRA/HSA with HealthEquity