Secure and available 24-hours a day
Register for electronic funds transfer (EFT) with CDPHP, and claims payments will be sent directly to your bank account, minimizing the chance of a delayed payment with a paper check.
Register for EFTLogin
Note: Only one registered user can enroll or make changes for each provider tax ID number (TIN). The user can be the individual provider, or a dedicated member of your office staff who is registered on the hub and making enrollments or changes for multiple providers.
Once you have completed registration, you’ll be directed through the secure portal to the enrollment page, where you can submit the required information to receive direct-payment deposits.
If you are already enrolled in EFT through CAQH, no action is required. Your original enrollment information is not changing. However, to modify an existing enrollment in the future, you’ll need to use the CDPHP EFT Enrollment Hub, powered by Zelis Healthcare.
There will be no fee or cost for new enrollments or changes.
Questions? Download the Zelis Enrollment User Reference Manual here, or call provider services at (518) 641-3500 or 1-800-926-7526 for support.