NYS DOH Cultural Competency Training – Free E-Learning Programs

As mandated by the New York State Department of Health, CDPHP requires all Medicaid providers in our network to attest annually to completion of cultural competency training for all staff who have regular and substantial contact with CDPHP members. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services offers free e-learning programs for various provider areas that can be accessed below to meet this requirement. Certain provider training programs have multiple courses. If there are multiple courses the provider is only required to take one of the courses and can alternate year-to-year between the various courses within the training program. Once you’ve completed the training, use the link below to submit your required attestation.
The attestation should be submitted by an authorized representative on behalf of all individuals encompassed under your practice's tax identification number (TIN). Each staff member who completes the training does NOT need to submit an individual attestation.
Note: For behavioral health providers — New York State previously approved cultural competency training for behavioral health providers, and you may utilize this training or the Think Cultural Health training from HHS to meet this requirement.
View the programsSubmit the Attestation
Presentation: Behavioral Health Care-In and HARP
CDPHP presented "Behavioral Health Carve-In and HARP" on May 18, 2016 to the provider community in order to discuss the new HARP product which will go into effect on July 1.
View the presentation
Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis - Manual II: Implementation
The recommendations and resources provided in this manual are derived from the experiences of the Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode Implementation and Evaluation Study (RAISE-IES).This manual is designed to guide implementation of a team-based program to serve individuals who are experiencing emerging psychosis within an existing mental health clinic (MHC). It provides information on administrative issues that must be discussed and resolved between the team and the clinic, such as hiring team members, managing team caseloads, providing services outside of the clinic setting, using the clinic’s support staff for smooth team functioning, and sharing space and resources. Other critical implementation issues involve training and ongoing supervision of team members, ways to measure fidelity to the team model, and how to build supervision and fidelity assessment into ongoing practice within the clinic.
Read the manual