Welcome to CDPHP
Learn how you can get the most out of your health insurance benefits.
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Child Health Plus provides children up to age 19 with coverage.
Checkups with your primary care doctor, routine vaccines, and more.
Access to cleanings, dental exams, and more at little or no cost.
NEW! Talk with a doctor 24/7 via live video at no cost.
You also have access to:
Health and wellness tools to help you stay healthy
Hearing care
Vision benefits, including coverage for routine eye exams and services
Prescription drug coverage
Full pregnancy care for women, including doctor/midwife and hospital services and newborn nursery care
Mental health support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays
Inpatient and outpatient treatment for alcoholism and substance use, and mental health
Specialty care, including occupational, speech, and physical therapy
Diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury
X-ray and lab tests
Inpatient hospital medical or surgical care
Outpatient surgery
Emergency care and emergency transportation
Short-term therapeutic outpatient services (chemotherapy, hemodialysis)
Durable medical equipment
The following resource can help you manage your health care:
Child Health Plus Member Handbook
Get health care that works for your family.