Find A Doctor, Pharmacy, Urgent Care Center, or Other Services
Follow these easy steps to find a provider or facility:
Go to Find-A-Doc.
Enter your location.
Select your plan.
Select a category – doctors, specialties, or places.
Enter the name or specialty you’re looking for and click the search icon.
It’s really that simple – Find-A-Doc will give you a listing of results that meet your criteria and are in your network.
More than 1 Million Providers Nationwide
Does your ID card say “National Network” on the front? If so, you will save when using doctors outside the usual CDPHP service area. That’s why it is important to indicate your plan type correctly when using the online provider directory, so you see the full range of participating providers available to you.
Tips for Saving Money With Find-A-Doc
You will always save by using a doctor who is part of your network. When you select your plan type on Find-A-Doc, in-network providers for your plan are automatically selected.
In addition to your doctor, make sure all of your other providers — including hospitals, labs, pharmacies, radiology centers, and home medical equipment providers—are in-network. Find-A-Doc will tell you.
Preferred Sites
Most plan types include no-cost or reduced-cost services from preferred sites. Type in "preferred" when searching places by type to view preferred Lab, X-rays and Ambulatory Surgical Center.
Enhanced Primary Care sites are your “medical home”
CDPHP encourages members to have a “medical home,” that is, a doctor’s office that coordinates most of your care. This can be a primary care physician (PCP), or in the case of our Enhanced Primary Care sites, a team of health care providers looking out for you.
What makes Enhanced Primary Care practices different?
They use electronic technology to improve service.
More convenient office times may be available.
There is an emphasis on preventive care and shared decision-making.
A range of medical professionals work together to care for you.
CDPHP staff may be onsite to assist.
Locating Enhanced Primary Care Practices
You can use Find-A-Doc to determine which offices are in the program. Indicate “Enhanced Primary Care” in Step Two when completing your search. This symbol
will appear next to participating doctors’ names.